I agree, I see people who use conditions as a crutch and a form of identity.

Letting go of that is almost impossible and when I try to get them to release fear and imagine the life beyond their illness hiw they can reframe their words to become a strong individual they can't get their head around it for a while, when they do they start to understand that drama only fuels the victim mindset and gives them a sense of self righteousness to do nothing and feed their mindset that is in a state of lack.

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thanks for your feedback. This is actually becoming a societal issue as we are pushing people to think there is a sense a honour and re-appropriation to be a victim. I'm glad you enjoyed and share your view on it.

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You're welcome, in this day and age I think it's important for us to support one another and show that reframing trauma and stepping into your power is possible.

My Instagram is Taming_your_inner_dragon if you want to connect there aswell, love and light Frith

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Another great read!!

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